4. Ausgabe „Forum Außenpolitik“ (04/2020)


Barbara Buchberger, Johanna Hanefeld, Iris Hunger, Lothar Wieler (alle Robert Koch Institut), Maike Voss (SWP): Gemeinsam für Globale Gesundheit

„Gesundheit – ein Zustand vollkommenen körperlichen, geistigen und sozialen Wohlbefindens und nicht allein das Fehlen von Krankheit und Gebrechen – stellt sich dieser Definition der Weltgesundheitsbehörde (WHO) gemäß ein, wenn sämtliche Grundbedürfnisse eines Menschen erfüllt sind. Ohne Gesundheit fällt es Menschen schwer, für ihren Lebensunterhalt zu sorgen und an gesellschaftlichem Leben teilzuhaben. Gesundheit ist eine bedeutende Determinante menschlichen Glücks, und sie ist auch wirtschaftliche und soziale Ressource einer Gesellschaft. Die Gesundheit der Bevölkerung insgesamt hat entscheidenden Einfluss darauf, wie wirtschaftlich erfolgreich und stabil eine Gesellschaft ist.“ (Quelle: Internationale Politik)

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Markus Hedwig, Julian Hollender, Tobias Mann und Heike Thielmann (McKinsey): App auf Rezept – Wie das Digitale Versorgungsgesetz den Markt für Gesundheits-Apps revolutioniert

„Die Corona-Krise führt uns deutlich vor Augen, dass die Digitalisierung des deutschen Gesundheitswesens von enormer medizinischer und wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung ist. Auch der Gesetzgeber räumt dem Vorantreiben der Digitalisierung einen hohen Stellenwert ein. Ein wichtiger Baustein dieser Entwicklung war die Verabschiedung des Digitalen-Versorgungs-Gesetzes (DVG).“ (Quelle: McKinsey)

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Heather A. Conley (CSIS): An Eroding European Union

„At the end of a frustrating six-hour teleconference with European Union leaders at the end of March, French president Emmanuel Macron warned that the Covid-19 pandemic was challenging “the survival of the European project.” These dramatic words, uttered to spur the European Union and its member states into action, revealed both the bloc’s fragility and its “pre-existing conditions,” which make it more susceptible to grave economic and political blowback from Covid-19. A project that was designed for peace has declared war on the novel coronavirus. The European Union that emerges from this war will not be the same as it is today.“ (Quelle: McKinsey)

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Henry Farrell, Abraham Newman (Foreign Affairs): Will the Coronavirus End Globalization As We Know? The Pandemic is Exposing Market Vulnerabilities No One Knew Existed

„The new coronavirus is shaping up to be an enormous stress test for globalization. As critical supply chains break down, and nations hoard medical supplies and rush to limit travel, the crisis is forcing a major reevaluation of the interconnected global economy. Not only has globalization allowed for the rapid spread of contagious disease but it has fostered deep interdependence between firms and nations that makes them more vulnerable to unexpected shocks. Now, firms and nations alike are discovering just how vulnerable they are.“ (Quelle: Foreign Affairs)

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Barbara Lippert, Volker Perthes (SWP): Strategic Rivalry between United States and China, Causes, Trajectories, and Implicatiions for Europe

  • Rivalry between the United States and China has become a paradigm of international relations over the past two years. It shapes both strategic debates and real political, military and economic dynamics.
  • The dimensions of Sino-American competition over power and status in­clude growing threat perceptions and an increasingly important political/ ideological component.
  • The US-China trade conflict is politically instrumental and closely bound up with the development of the world order.
  • The crux of the technological dimension is not who sets the standards, but geopolitical power projection through “technopolitical spheres of influence”. The development and use of technologies thus become part of a systemic competition.
  • Through their respective leadership styles, Presidents Trump and Xi foment bilateral conflicts and – each in their own way – damage international rules and institutions.
  • The Sino-American rivalry also undermines multilateral institutions such as the World Trade Organisation. While Washington has withdrawn from a number of multilateral institutions, Beijing is expanding its influence in contexts like the United Nations.
  • Europe needs to escape the bipolar logic that demands it choose between the American and Chinese economic/technological spheres. The European Union must develop a China policy for its drive towards sovereignty (stra­tegic autonomy). That requires a “supranational geopolitics”.

(Text-Quelle: SWP)

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Kathrine Quinn-Judge (Crisis Group): Peace in Ukraine: A Promise yet to Be Kept

„Last May, President Volodymyr Zelensky took office promising to end the then-five-year old war with Russia – to “just stop the shooting”. As his administration approaches its one-year anniversary, however, Zelensky’s peacebuilding efforts face backlash in Kiev, skepticism in Moscow, and hostility in the Russian-backed breakaways in Donbass. Violence at the 400-km frontline, which cuts through the southeastern industrial region, has subsided only marginally. Hobbled from the beginning by poor communication, especially with his domestic audience, his team has yet to offer their Russian adversaries or the Ukrainian public a coherent vision for peace – namely for how to make the controversial 2014-2015 Minsk agreements, which entail return of Donbass’s Russian-backed enclaves to Kiev’s control, acceptable to all sides. Now, amid the COVID-19 crisis and resulting economic struggles, other pressing matters threaten to derail his key goal.“ (Quelle: Crisis Group)

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Johanna Deimel, Michael Weichert (Southeast Europe Association): Forward or Backward. The EU, Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo at Crossroads

„The failure of the European Council in October 2019 to open EU accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia was a blow to the aspirations and the reform efforts of the governments and the societies of both countries and the region. In the expectation of opening the next chapter on the long road to European Union membership, important transformation and reform processes were initiated by these countries. Unlike in some neighboring countries, with the support of the majority of the voters, the political elites have demonstrated the political will to overcome stagnation and setbacks. Important reforms have been implemented with the potential to leave the legacies of the past behind, move these countries forward and increase their capacity to advance significantly.“ (Quelle: Southeast Europe Association)

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Die Beiträge wurden von Dr. Beatrice Bischof zusammengestellt.

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